[Colloque international] La Fondation pour l’école invitée au 9ème congrès de l’American Federation for Children
L’American Federation for Children a invité Anne Coffinier, présidente de la Fondation pour l’école, à intervenir lors de son 9ème congrès annuel le jeudi 3 mai 2018 à Washington.
L’AFC est un acteur phare de l’éducation privée aux États-Unis. Son sommet annuel rassemble décideurs, spécialistes des sciences de l’éducation, avocats et journalistes autour de la question de l’égalité des chances à l’école et de l’accès de tous les élèves à une instruction de qualité.
Anne Coffinier interviendra le jeudi 3 mai à 9h15, dans le cadre d’une table ronde consacrée aux écoles indépendantes et aux pédagogies alternatives mises en place dans le monde, notamment en Europe.
Elle sera entourée du Dr. Beth Green, directrice des programmes de Cardus Education, et du Dr. Susanne Wiborg de l’University College de Londres.
9th Annual AFC National Policy Summit Panels Announced
Please join us in the nation’s capital as we discuss emerging school choice policies, practices, and politics during the American Federation for Children’s 9th annual National Policy Summit.
Educational Choice: A World of Opportunities
The Mayflower Hotel, Washington, D.C.
May 2-3, 2018
What Can America Learn from School Choice Globally?
Democracies around the world fund diverse schools – including independent and religious schools – as a matter of principle. For example,
The Netherlands funds 36 different kinds of schools on equal footing;
England allows parents to start new schools that fit their needs;
The Australian central government is the country’s top funder of scholarships to independent schools;
Alberta, Canada, even funds home schooling.
What can school choice advocates in America learn from these and other models abroad? What are the practical and political issues facing pluralistic school systems?
Dr. Ashley Berner, Johns Hopkins University
Panelists: Anne Coffinier, Fondation pour L’Ecole
Dr. Beth Green, Cardus
Dr. Susanne Wiborg, University College London
The Changing World of School (Choice): Personalized Learning and Innovation in Charter, Private, and Public Schools
A charter school network, public school district and two private schools approach student learning in very different ways, but all with the same intent – to improve educational outcomes using 21st century methods to engage students.
Kevin P. Chavous, President of Academics, Policy, and Schools, K12, Inc. and American Federation for Children Board Member
Ben Marcovitz, Founder and CEO, Collegiate Academies
Tom Rooney, Superintendent, Lindsay Unified School District
Lincoln Tamayo, Vice President of Operations, Academy Prep Centers
What are the Obstacles to Engaging Parents?
A workshop style session where parents will discuss how they became engaged, their interaction with state allies, and small groups will discuss best practices in their states.
Michael Benjamin, National Director of Grassroots Advocacy & Mobilization, American Federation for Children
ESAs: The Most Innovative and Best Form of School Choice?
ESAs are widely popular according to polls and support is growing for them in legislative chambers across the country. Are they better than vouchers or tax credit scholarships for families? Hear from an ESA parent, a legislator and school leaders who accept ESAs.
Shaka Mitchell, Tennessee State Director, American Federation for Children
Linda Crosby, Arizona Parent Activist
Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL)
Tim Montgomery, Head of School, The Piedmont School
Robin Sweet, Founder, Gateway Academy
School Choice in Rural States and Districts – Are they Compatible?
Much of the story and success of school choice is focused on urban settings. Are families in rural districts seeking more and better educational options? What battles do rural legislators face in supporting and passing school choice legislation?
Darrell Allison, National Director of State Teams and Political Strategy, American Federation for Children
Representative Dorothy Moon (R-ID)
Senator Amy Sinclair (R-IA)
Senator Erica Smith (D-NC)
The 2018 Elections: What do they Mean for School Choice in America?
Trends and forecasts state by state and nationwide from leading national pollsters and campaign strategists.
Tommy Schultz, National Communications Director, American Federation for Children
Deborah Beck, President, Beck Research
John Couvillon, Founder and President, JMC Analytics
Ashlee Rich Stephenson, Chief Strategy Officer, WPAi
Ateliers, tables rondes, village des écoles, stands, mise en réseau… Cet événement incontournable revient pour une 5ème édition. Réservez vos places dès à présent !